Monday, April 2, 2012


"Lord, make us mindful of the little things that grow and blossom in these days to make the world beautiful for us."~ W.E.B. Du Bois ~

Friday, March 30, 2012

Farmer Bird Bath

When the ducks take over the pools in the am the chickens flock to the other water sources sometimes-and I never have the camera handy-until today. So here is our Bird Bath...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Beaver sighting by Ward & June

As we went to dinner we stopped by the nearby Beaver Home. Wally was no where to be found but there standing up chewing on a tree- The Beav. Much bigger than we both expected. He moved around in the water but didn't seem afraid of us. As we got close to the waters edge I wondered how fast they move on land. The piles of wood chips tell me this one has some big teeth. He has taken many trees down 15-18" dia in 1 night! He is currently working on an oak and the tree in the water. The water has come up about 1 foot and I am hoping the town will leave it alone as long as he isn't flooding the road-he's not even close at this point. Feeling very lucky we got to see him as they do all their work at night. That's him looking at us in the middle of the pic-tree in the water is prob 18"dia to give you an idea how big this fella is- and his tail isn't showing either-that's all body! Golly-Gee

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Negu on the loose

So the question later will be---does he come to momma? He will. Made this small pen inside the ring to see how he responds. He was running around kicking up his heels and rolling on the ground. I think he likes it. Will slowly make it bigger and see how he does.

Friday, March 2, 2012

It's a BOY!

Well our newest baby has arrived. NEGU- which stands for Never Ever Give Up. He is said to be 6 years old, about 9 hands and very abused by human. It has taken 1 week just for him to learn about treats and today he ate out of my hand! Amazing! I would like to think every pony was owned by a little girl who kept them fat with handfuls of treats-not the case with Negu-he still needs to gain around 50 more pounds and he has been in rescue care for over a month. He is fearful of a hand or leadline end. He doesnt understand how good brushing should feel. For the moment he will have to be sedate for prob any kind of work as its too stressful for him. So join us for the adventures with Negu!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Sun on the Move

It's so nice to see the sun moving northward back towards the field when it rises. And as always I try to sneak out to grab a picture in my jammies and there goes the neighbor driving by waving.